What is Trading?
Simply put - "trading is a statistical business".
In mathematical terminology - "trading is aligning of probabilities", i.e., i should make more than I lose (RR ratio) and more often (called Win Rate). 

Scalability of this business is unique and main driving force for me. It is a trainable skill just like school Maths.

What is a Market?
Market is a platform to churn money from weak hands (unprepared & impatient) to strong (prepared & patient) hands.

What is the difference between investing and trading?
Not much. Investing is long term trading while trading is short term investing. In both endeavours we try to buy low and sell higher. Following diversification & sound risk management principles is key in both modes of winning.

Why having a mentor is necessary for a new trader?
Trading though looks easy to most but is the most serious business because the brightest brains of the world, including computer algorithms are at work here. 98% of the traders fail at trading or only break-even. Only a few make money but they make & retain loads of it. Odds are heavily against a new trader's success. Repeating the same old classical mistakes is not a sensible option as it costs hard-earned money. A mentor minimizes those mistakes and gives clear line of thinking for trading the opportunities, saving learners' time, efforts and money. You just have to work hard under an able guidance. 
“It is a happy circumstance that when nature gives us true burning desires, she also gives us the means to satisfy them. Those who want to win and lack skill can get someone with skill to help them.” - Ed Seykota

e-Books are sufficient to learn trading, is it not?
I believe 'Neither teachers can replace books nor books can replace teachers'. Although there is a lot of reading material available over internet but most of the new traders lose money with time just because they don't know even after reading many books: 
(a) What is important and what is not?
(b) What works in the markets and what is rubbish?
(c) Which claims are correct and which claims are false?
(d) What are the practical difficulties in implementing a theoretical result?
(e) How to overcome psychological barriers about big profits & losses?
(f) How to use Trade Management & Position Sizing principles to maximize profits and minimize risk?

What is to be achieved by UTA mentorship programs?
Independent and consistently profitable trader.

Does KTW, Force Analysis, UMS, UWT, UWC, UBT apply to Stocks, NIFTY, Commodities, Forex?
Yes!. All above strategies work on any large, liquid & freely traded market in any time-frame (TF), be it 1 min, 5 min, 1 hr, daily, weekly or monthly.

Isn't UMS the Channel Trading or Wolfe Wave?
(1) A Channel is basically - two parallel trend-lines, never converging together in future. (2) Wolfe Wave/Wedge is basically - compression of two trend-lines, going forward they must converge. (3) With UMS method you can trade an Ideal channel as well as Expanding channel, i.e. trendlines that never converge in future.

Do i need expensive software?
No. Required softwares are freely available/downloadable from internet.

What qualities in a person you are looking for selection in your program?
Bright (Aptitude) and hungry to excel (Attitude) in trading & life along with specific Psychology for trading business.

Why you chose to do mentoring?
(a) I love to teach since my school days and then after my B. Tech. for 2 years (b) It is my path to fame!! I am sure within 3 years we will see an article in Economic Times about us (c) It is a matter of great personal satisfaction seeing so many other people also growing along with me. 8 of UTA members have already left their top class day-jobs and become full time traders/mentors. One of them is a big trader interviewed at many places in media. 

We proved it is possible. It takes a lot of disciplined efforts but certainly doable. Our inclusive Proven Track Record can be seen here.

Is LIVE trading a part of the course?
100% Yes & much more than you can imagine right now!

Is there any Guarantee of Success associated with mentoring program?
Yes! i do offer 100% Guarantee of 100% Returns in 24 months with associated terms and conditions because our trading success is based on infallible mathematical logics not any guess-work or luck factor or curve-fitting.

Will i have to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement?
Yes! It is mandatory for everyone at UTA to agree to all the terms and conditions of Non-Disclosure Agreement before the commencement of the program.

Can i become a successful trader?
Every person is unique and will excel in his/her destined field, e.g., Sachin Tendulkar would not have excelled in singing as he could succeed in cricket. That is why we have a 7-step Screening Procedure lasting 7-days around to assess suitability of the aspirant for trading profession.

I have a good system and happy with its performance?
"The markets are the same now as they were five to ten years ago because they keep changing - just like they did then." - Ed Seykota. I believe any trading system will cease to work if not able to adopt to dynamic market conditions, e.g., Turtle System. So one should never remain complacent in trading business about learning & adapting.

I have a day job to do, can i still implement UTA trade plans?
Yes. KTW Line of trades can be placed and managed by giving 30 min to 1 hr everyday at night itself with GTT/AMOs (after market orders) which remain valid for the next day. All Intraday systems except one can be implemented by 10 AM itself. Option Selling is fully automated, it only needs monitoring over PC or mobile.

More FAQs later as they come...

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