Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Food for Thought - 043

This is my last Food for Thought for 2017 so i could not stop myself from stating clearly what i am expecting for 2018, even if the picture is not rosy. 

As per my MegaCycle calculations on NIFTY bear market may start from 2018 (any month) and should last till 2021. Refer the same famous chart from the below link which was first published in 2014 - Surprisingly bull market top has shaped up exactly as anticipated in Mar 2014.

Mind it around 3 years long bear market is round the corner..!! It will be very painful for many - investors, job seekers, etc.. What will be the trigger no one knows, even it is not necessary to know. Fundamentally and Psychologically market is ready to crash/(consolidate for years) only Technical confirmation is required and a 5% correction from now will activate technical signal too. So prepare yourself (financially & psychologically) accordingly.

Friday, 17 November 2017

Total 40 - Zerodha Winner's Certificates

1. Trading is not a God-gifted talent but a trainable skill and 
2. Yes, retail traders can also make money in the markets in wholesale.

Saturday, 21 October 2017

Food for Thought - 042

One of the good things about markets is that - "they can not behave the same way everyday for long because price change variance is infinite" That's why the best option with us is to remain 100% DISCIPLINED, repeat the same Edge everyday and market will definitely force undisciplined traders to pay for our discipline. -- Kamlesh Uttam

Thursday, 31 August 2017

Food for Thought - 041

"Tons and tons of evidence that the models work over time as long as risk management criteria is adhered to." -- Richard Weissman

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Food for Thought - 040

"There is only one success, to be able to spend your life in your own way." - Christopher Morley

Thank you God for destining me a trader's life..!!

Saturday, 15 July 2017

Food for Thought - 039

It's not that "Market(Boss) is Always Right" but assuming this is true gave me the best entry & exit strategies. -- Kamlesh Uttam

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Food for Thought - 038

If any trading expert (on TV or www.) says to limit your annual returns expectations from markets to any figure less than 200% (applicable for up to 25 lakh account), be sure he has not been able to crack full Grammar of trading. Why? Because even higher %ages are being generated by traders and that too in multiple ways. -- Kamlesh Uttam

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Food for Thought - 037

Most of the trading literature is focused on optimizing Entries & Exits and rarely Risk Management is discussed in depth, whereas the truth is that with a conservative risk management model you can win in the markets with even toss of a coin as entry signal. So, effort of traders should actually go in the following order: Risk management --> Exits --> Entries. Please note that it is the exit which decides how much money you will make in the trade not the entry. -- Kamlesh Uttam

Saturday, 29 April 2017

Food for Thought - 036

“It’s just the nature of a rip-roaring bull market. Fundamentals might be good for the first third or first 50 or 60 percent of a move, but the last third of a great bull market is typically a blow-off, whereas the mania runs wild and prices go parabolic.-- Paul Tudor Jones

Monday, 3 April 2017

My Trading Edge - The journey so far..!!

In 2007 i did my first Google on 'Technical Analysis' after hearing this term on CNBC Awaaz. In terms of returns the highest possible i heard was through mutual funds, i.e., around 15% annually (which is approx. the sum of our GDP growth rate + rate of Inflation) over the long term of 10+ years.

In 2010 i was still fighting for consistency with the fear inside 'have i wasted these 3-4 years of my life for some illusion?'. Then with God's grace first major crack happened in 2011(KTW line). After that it has been trajectory upwards on Edge front. In 2017 now i know how to get returns expectancy of 1000% on a trading account with 500% returns almost bound to happen (due to liquidity limitations initial account size can be up to 5 lakhs).

Purpose of this post is to give confidence to the newbies of the markets who are in my situation of 2010, when i felt lost & down without knowing address of any winning trader to talk to. Yes man! all the fight & hard-work during the journey of the markets is worth it due to rare & royal Freedoms we enjoy for being a trader. 

Soon, we, Uttam Traders, are going to release an article on Pros & Cons of being a full time trader over a 9 to 5 job. It seems an obvious topic but still i want to do it on paper.

Stay Hungry..!!

Monday, 13 March 2017

MegaCycles on NIFTY

This work was posted on 21-04-2014. Everything is going as expected. More details can be accessed at You may share it with investors you care for.

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Result Bolta Hai..!! - Zerodha Winner Certificates (Total 30)

As they say result speaks and here it is. Our Zerodha Winner Certificates can be accessed from here.

Our Next Challenge :
One of top 3 positions in any national level trading championship will be won by an Uttam Trader by 2018.

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Food for Thought - 035 - Make Money While You Sleep..!!

If you don't find a way to Make Money While You Sleep, you will work until you die. -- Warren Buffett, Net Worth $72 Billion